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Peer Coaching

Why is peer coaching getting attention in the literature, in schools, and classrooms everywhere?

From John Hattie’s findings of top influences on student achievement, collective teacher efficacy has the second highest effect size on student learning, hands down (2017). This finding, coupled with Jim Knight’s Coaching Cycle (2015), suggests educators explore peer coaching as a High Leverage Practice (CEC/CEEDAR) to collaborate with other professionals to increase student success through peer-coaching. The following five steps to integrate peer coaching with the use of evidence-based and high leverage practices in special education are described in more detail from the ASELA newsletter, Collegial Coaching for Special Educators by Jocelyn Washburn.

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Cover of Peer Coaching book by Pam Robbins. Title of book listed "Peer Coaching, to Enrich Professional Practice, School Culture, and Student Learning". White background,  multicolored flower .petals sprinkled over the cover art.
Peer coaching can enhance teaching practices and students’ performance by empowering educators to take ownership of their professional learning. With peer coaching, educators set personal goals and use nonevaluative feedback from trusted colleagues.


In this webinar, author Pam Robbins explores how to build a foundation of trust to support peer coaching by using differentiated activities that align with the needs of a specific context. She also examines how to use peer coaching structures to promote professional growth, collegiality, and cultures of continuous improvement and support student learning, and provides tools and tips from peer coaches and school leaders that can support—or help you implement—peer coaching practices in any school.